The Little John Kit


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The Little John Kit comprises the Little John Pilot Urinal and 1DI “Lady J” Female Adapter, both of which are designed to work together. The kit helps people of all ages and health conditions stand and urinate comfortably and hygienically, regardless of where they are.


Both the products in the kit are made from unbreakable, (always wash the unit after use) Re-Useable plastic and fit each other perfectly to avoid leakage and spillage.


Whether you are Traveling, Camping in the wild or Flying a small plane, hunting or boating, or have trouble squatting because of poor joint health or pregnancy, it can be a bit awkward and unhygienic in urinating situations. Say goodbye to all that with the Little John and Lady “J” kit. Only $16.95 for Both. If you Buy two (2) Sets of each $33.90, Shipping is Free inside the United States. FOUR (4) units 4 SETS $15.95 each set $63.80, Free Shipping inside the US. Six of each 6 Sets $14.95 EACH Set $89.40 Plus Free shipping (inside the US). Do Not use while operating any Motorized Machine.


Disclaimer : Do Not use while operating any Motorized Machine